Our Commitment
We are a company committed in social, environmental and cultural terms
At Grupo Fuertes we understand corporate social responsibility as a personal commitment from the whole organisation to its main stakeholders: consumers, customers, employees, shareholders and society in general.
An added value, integrated within our business strategy, which provides not only more quality to all the solutions and services we offer, but also offers greater satisfaction for our customers and a better balance in the sustainable development of the Group’s companies.
Nutrition and Health
Nutrition and food are two fields particularly linked to Grupo Fuertes and its core of agro-food companies. The objective is to offer healthy balanced food and share responsibility for promoting healthy lifestyle habits.
We collaborate with universities and scientific associations throughout Spain on research projects which contribute to improving the population’s health and well-being. The most noteworthy are the universities of Navarra, Barcelona, the Complutense in Madrid, Murcia, UPCT Cartagena, Cordoba, UCAM, and institutions such as the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition, the Alimentum Foundation and the National Association of Science and Technology (ANCyTA).
R + D + i
We understand research, development and innovation as the main engine of growth for companies which are part of Grupo Fuertes.
We are the first Academic Protector of the Veterinarian Academy of the Region of Murcia, a distinction which recognises the contribution of the holding company to the growth and development of the health sciences sector. We also maintain close collaboration with pioneering organisations in research such as the Institute of Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya (IRTA) or the CEBAS-CSIC.
Social action
In Grupo Fuertes we are particularly sensitive to the difficulties experienced by society’s most vulnerable groups and sectors. For that reason, we collaborate with different institutions, associations and NGOs which promote activities with a solidarity and humanitarian nature.
Among other activities we are sponsors of the social project ‘Poción de Héroes’, an initiative driven by the ATRESMEDIA Foundation, to help young cancer patients during their treatment.
The agro-food companies which form part of Grupo Fuertes annually donate food and water to different charities such as Food Banks, Cáritas, Jesús Abandonado and Proyecto Hombre, as well as other institutions. Last year we donated a total of 100,470 kilos of food and water. We are also sponsors of the campaign Restaurantes contra el Hambre, which is promoted by the NGO Acción contra el Hambre (Action against Hunger) to help fight against infant malnutrition.
Sport as a school of values
Playing sport represents values which are very much in line with our business philosophy, such as sacrifice, discipline, commitment, dedication, team work and overcoming difficulties.
A clear example of this commitment is our sponsorship, during the last 25 years, of the indoor football club ElPozo, which is in First Division and is one of the few Spanish teams represented in all the base categories. Under the umbrella of ElPozo Alimentación we are also sponsors of the Spanish Paralympic team and the Cycling Tour of Spain (La Vuelta).
Education and culture
We promote culture and education as a base for the economic and social development of the communities and geographical areas where we operate. We collaborate in the excavation campaign on the site La Almoloya, in the Region of Murcia, as well as in diverse educational projects to promote better access to knowledge. Among these programmes we can include the school competition ‘Mi periódico digital’, of which we are sponsors. The objective of this initiative is to provide better knowledge of reality and promote critical thinking among the pupils.
Human capital, our best investment
We advocate skills management which values merit and for an internal communication policy which keeps the organisation united and committed to the project. We make important services and social benefits available for our workers which help to make the work-life balance easier to achieve as well as its internal promotion within the company.
We offer work experience in the different companies in our holding company to unemployed young people who are qualified but who have not yet entered the labour market.
The environmental policy of Grupo Fuertes is part of its business strategy, guaranteeing compliance with regulations and ensuring there is a control of the environmental effects as a result of our activity.
In all the group’s companies incorporate the best technology available to promote maximum conservation of our surroundings:
- We promote a more efficient use of resources and energy.
- We treat all waste water so that it can be used later in agriculture.